Problem Summary

Anomaly Description:
H2S gas leaking from heat exchanger shell flange with bolts that were unsuccessfully re-tensioned in attempt to eliminate leakage.

Root causes:
Probable cause of the defects: severe thermal cycling.

Integrity concerns:
Leaking H2S was a major safety concern and a deteriorating leak was imminent.

  • Service: Sour Service
  • Line Diameter: Heat exchanger
  • Design Pressure: 87 BAR
  • Operating Pressure: 75 BAR
  • Design Temperature: 350°C
  • Operating Temperature: 420°C
  • Material: SA-358

The Beruseal Solution

Clamp Design:
An analysis of a clamp for a sour gas line was made for the Heat Exchanger. The on-line leak sealing clamp design was merely a contingency should the brass wire wrap method have inadequate support.

Brass Wire Wrapping:
Multiple adaptor ports were strategically placed on the flange to ensure best compound flow and curing during injection. The placing of the adaptor ports was also significant in its purpose to reduce additional stresses that was added to the studs during injection.

Brass wire wrap was peened into the flange gap using intrinsically safe equipment. Beruseal High Temperature Hydrocarbon resistant compound was injected strategically into the flange gap & bolt pockets until a full circumferential seal was achieved. The entire job was performed under fresh air and had no re-injections until unit was replaced during the next scheduled Turnaround.

  • On-site repairs for maximum up-time productivity
  • Improved Safety by reducing noise & emissions
  • Equipment Integrity with international support & custom engineering

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