Problem Summary

Anomaly Description:
A leak has been detected on the body flange of a vessel during gas regeneration process. The vessel flanges had a diameter of 2700mm.

Root causes:
A worn-out flange gasket caused gas to leak through the vessel body flanges.
The leak occurred when gas temperature increased in the regeneration cycle.

Integrity concerns:
During the regeneration cycle, both gas temperature and pressure increases causing process service to leak through the worn-out flange gasket.

Since the process service is highly corrosive, its leakage would corrode the vessel flanges and bolting system.

Corrosion of the vessel flanges and bolting system would result in weakening of the vessel’s structural integrity followed by excessive leakage of a very flammable and toxic process service.

  • Line Size: N/A

  • Design Pressure: 4
  • Operating Pressure: 1.45
  • Design Temperature: 440
  • Operating Temperature: 150
  • Material: A350 Gr LF2 / A 182 Gr F12

  • Line Class: N/A

The Beruseal Solution

A mechanical/surface clamp was designed according to ASME VIII Div 1 to enclose the space between the body flanges.
A polymer compound was then injected into the enclosed space between the flanges to stop and seal the leak.

A successful tight seal was obtained by injecting polymer compound into the enclosed area between the vessel flanges.

  • On-site repairs for maximum up-time productivity
  • Improved Safety by reducing noise & emissions
  • Equipment Integrity with international support & custom engineering

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