Highest Quality Assurance

Trevi-Testing Services

A Certifiable On-Line Valve Testing Service Which Won’t Disrupt System Operation.

A force is applied to the valve spindle to overcome the spring tension of the valve. This is achieved using a hydraulic power jack linked to an electronic transducer. A recorder is then used to measure the force applied by the means of Load cells.

By combining this data with information on the valve seat and line pressure of the valve, it is possible to assess the set pressure. The safety valve seat’s simmer point pressure will be recorded on graphs available electronically from BERUSEAL.

After TREVI-TESTING is done, a certificate of calibration will be issued to the client.


A Certifiable On-Line Valve Testing Service Which Won’t Disrupt System Operation

  • Hot Testing of valves while operations continue.

  • Cold Testing of valves on-site and in the workshop.TREVI-TESTING will increase efficiency and save your organisation money from day one.

  • With TREVI-TESTING you can carry out accurate assessments of safety and relief valves in situ and under pressure.

  • There’s also the option of Cold Testing to assess the performance of new and existing valves.

  • Operated in accordance with strict control procedures centred on ISO 9001.

  • TREVI-TEST can be used with most safety and relief valves manufactured for use in steam, air, gas process and water systems. These include conventional spring valves, torsion bar valves and pilot operated valves.

  • On-site repairs for maximum up-time productivity
  • Improved Safety by reducing noise & emissions
  • Equipment Integrity with international support & custom engineering

Get in touch with Beruseal