Highest Quality Assurance
Reduces the time it takes to repair a leak on your pipeline.
The Spitze HP clamp is engineered and manufactured in accordance with ASME VIII Div 1 for the temporary repair of live high-pressure leaks without having to shut down or isolate the system. The low-profile standoff height of the clamp is intended for a composite overwrap using any of the Revowrap systems for long terms repairs. The Spitze HP clamp is resistant to the harsh chemical environment prevalent in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries.
Emergency Online leak repair system!
Spitze HP Clamps
Technical Features and advantages
- Fast, Non-invasive repair – does not require hot work
- Repairs done live – no unplanned downtime
- Can Handle complex geometries
- Resistant to Harsh chemicals
- Oil and Gas Facilities
- Petrochemical Plants
- Chemical Plants
- Transmission Pipelines
- Sub Sea
- Pinholes
- Illegal Hot Taps
- Through Wall Corrosion
- Weld Anomalies